How to use video poker strategy charts

Are you tired of losing at video poker? Do you want to increase your chances of winning big at the casino? If so, then you need to start using a video poker strategy chart.

These charts are easy and simple tools that can help you make better decisions while playing video poker. In this blog post, we will guide you through everything you need to know about using these charts so that you can win more often and have more fun!

What are video poker strategy charts?

Video poker strategy charts are tools that can be used to help you make the best possible decisions when playing video poker. They are based on the statistical probability of certain hands being dealt, and can tell you what the most likely outcome of a hand will be.

While they cannot guarantee a win, they can give you a good idea of what to expect, and can help you make better decisions that could lead to more wins in the long run.


Click below to see actual strategy charts for all of these games!


How do video poker strategy charts work?

Video poker strategy charts are designed to help you make the best possible decisions when playing video poker. They can be used for both online and offline play, and are customized to fit the specific game you want to play.

When using a video poker strategy chart, the first thing you need to do is find the section that corresponds to the pay table of the game you’re playing. Once you’ve located that section, you can then start looking at the different hand scenarios and finding the one that best applies to your current situation and always choose the hand ranking that is closest to #1 (which is a royal flush!).

For example, let’s say you’re playing a Jacks or Better game with a 9/5 pay table. In this case, you would look for the “9/5 Jacks or Better” strategy chart. From there, you would find the hand scenario that matches up with your current hand. So, let’s say you are dealt a hand of Ace of Hearts, King of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds and 10 of Clubs.

This hand could be played either as a four card straight, or two to a royal flush. So, how should you play it?

Well, when looking at the chart you would see that hand #21 is “4 to a Straight: 9JQK, TJQA/TJKA/TQKA”  while hand #17 is2 to a Royal Flush: JQ, JK/QK, JA”.

You simply need to choose the hand that has the lowest number. Therefore, #17, 2 to a Royal Flush: JQ, JK/QK, JA”, would be the correct way to play that particular hand.

What are the benefits of using a video poker strategy chart?

When it comes to playing video poker, using a strategy chart can be extremely beneficial. By having a set plan of action, you can minimize your losses and maximize your wins. Here are some specific benefits of using a video poker strategy chart:

1. You’ll know exactly what to do in every situation. With a video poker strategy chart, you’ll have a clear and concise guide telling you what to do in every hand situation. This takes the guesswork out of the equation and allows you to play with confidence.

2. You can make decisions quickly and efficiently. Since you’ll know exactly what to do in each situation, you won’t have to spend time agonizing over decisions. This will help you save time and play more hands per hour, which leads to more opportunities to win.

3. You can minimize your losses and maximize your wins. By following a video poker strategy chart, you’ll be able to make better decisions which will lead to smaller losses and bigger wins overall. This is the ultimate goal for any player, and using a strategy chart is one of the best ways to achieve it.

How to find the best video poker strategy chart for you

There are a few things to look for when finding the best video poker strategy chart for you.

The first is to make sure that the strategy chart you use corresponds to the game you want to play. Each game, such as deuces wild, jacks or better, or double double bonus poker has its own particular strategy and you wouldn’t want to use the same strategy chart on all video poker games.

Also, the pay table on each video poker game can vary and that will require strategy changes, Therefore, you will want to make sure you use a strategy chart for the particular pay table on the machine you want to play.

The second thing to look is that there should be no complicated terminology or symbols – everything should be explained in simple terms.

And, finally, you want to look for how comprehensive the chart is. It should have detailed information on how to play each hand optimally.


Video poker is a great game to play if you are looking for an exciting and rewarding experience. Using strategy charts can help give you the best chance of winning when playing video poker, as they allow you to maximize your chances of making the right decisions at each turn.

With a bit of practice and knowing which strategies work best in different circumstances, using video poker strategy charts will become second nature and help ensure that you have a successful gaming session.